The Gittel and Zvi Weiss Building of the Green Road Synagogue is a fantastic place to celebrate your smachot! Our building boasts many beautiful event spaces.
Our spacious social hall can be fully opened for a large event or divided to create more intimate spaces. Each section of the hall has it's own washing station and the overhead and wall lighting can both be adjusted to your specific needs.
Our stunning Beit Midrash is perfect for an intimate Bar Mitzvah, brit milah, chossen's tish, or a learning event or shiur. With floor to ceiling windows, clean design, and wall to wall bookcases the room is cheerful, bright, and studious.
Our Sanctuary is a masterpiece. Perfect for weddings, bar or bat mitzvot, a large brit milah, or other gatherings. The original stained glass has been fully refurbished and installed on two-thirds of each floor to ceiling window to magnificent effect. The millwork on the aron implies the rays of the sun as they shine down from the ceiling height windows overhead. Our beautiful mechitza echos this pattern and the glass panels can be easily raised or lowered in accordance with the needs of your event.
The Mendy Klein Continuity Garden, provides a beautiful outdoor event space. Perfect for a brunch, dinner party, bris, chupah, or cocktail hour. The space can even to be used to extend the social hall event space outside. Located off the social hall and the youth wing, this gated space is beautiful, intimate, and inviting.
Even our lobbies were designed with your nevents in mind. With high ceilings, tall windows to let in natural light, adjustable lighting, and plenty of space, the Timberlane entrance hall is a beautiful space for cocktails, brunch, or a seated dinner. The Green Road entrance is marked by a large window that looks directly into the Mendy Klein Continuity Garden providing a beautiful backdrop for your tish or kabalas panim, buffet, or other gatherings.
Finally, the Youth Wing Beit Midrash is the perfect space for more intimate events. With floor-to-ceiling windows and a clean color palette, the room feels open and inviting without overwhelming a smaller gathering.
Rentals are priced for every budget and packages are available! We love working with our local party planners and caterers to bring your simcha to life. Please call (216) 381-4757 and allow GRS to host your simcha.
Sat, March 29 2025
29 Adar 5785
Booking with us!
Today's Calendar
Shabbat Mevarchim |
Parshat Hachodesh |
: 7:30am |
: 9:00am |
: 9:30am |
: 7:20pm |
Havdalah : 8:30pm |
Tomorrow's Calendar
Rosh Chodesh Nisan |
Shacharit : 8:00am |
Mincha/Maariv : 7:40pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Pekudei
Candle Lighting
Shabbat, Mar 29, 7:29pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Mar 29, 8:30pm |
Shabbat Mevarchim & Parshat Hachodesh
Shabbat, Mar 29 |